Tuesday 29 May 2012

Survey of Birds at ACC, Madukkarai

27 May 2012

It was an event triggered from Coimbatore Birding Club, the avian wing of ECG, Coimbatore that we landed at ACC Cement factory, Madukkarai on a Sunday morning along with my 2 sons. Soon the team built up to 15 and we started to take a survey of the winged ones.

It was a cloudy morning and we did not sweat out as a result. We were greeted by Indian Peacock and Grey Francolins immediately and we were excited for the exercise.

I have to admit that for all the environmental issues associated with factories of these kind, I was pleasantly surprised by the green cover they had.

We were soon greeted by Rufuous Treepie which my sons have spotted for the first time. But the surprise package for us is Lesser flameback and the White cheeked barbett.
Lesser Flame back

White Cheeked Barbett

The Lesser flame back and the white cheeked Barbett were busy with their work in the Fig Tree. It is to be observed here that Common mynas are aggressive and were trying to unsettle the lesser flameback from its position.
The List of birds we have spotted is as follows:
1. Indian Peacock
2. Grey Francolin
3. Rufous Treepie
4. Yellow Billed Babbler
5. Common Myna
6. Spotted Dove
7. White throated Kingfisher
8. Lesser Flameback
9. House Crow
10. Jungle Crow
11. Red vented bulbul
12. Copper smith barbett
13. White cheeked barbett
14. Rose ringed parakeet
15 Asian Koel
16 Asian Koel (F)
17. Black Drango
and another 11 varieties and in total 28.
Finally we had a simple and good Breakfast  and we bid adieu from the Lakshmi Narayana Temple only to comeback later regularly.
The Team
The Temple

The event was also covered in the newspaper: Deccan Chronicle, Coimbatore Edition on 29.05.12
The link is
Environment conservation group at bird watching study in ACC colony on Sunday.  —DC
Photo: Deccan Chronicle, Coimbatore Edition. Page 2, 29 May 2012